Go Live with Facebook!
Go Live with Facebook!
Greg Walthour, Co-CEO • Intero Digital • December 30, 2016

Facebook’s Go Live is available to the masses. A recent addition to the suite of features Facebook offers to its users, Go Live is an innovative and interactive way to engage viewers real time. And, the business application may prove a game changer for companies wanting to stay in front of their prospects and customers.
Facebook Live has is its current membership. With 1.64 billion active users, 1 billion of those daily active users, FB Live already has its audience in hand.
There are many ways to use Facebook Go Live, and with a built-in viewership, businesses will find it easier to target groups by interest and demographic.
With the ability to have conversations with your followers near and far, Facebook Go Live allows you to answer questions and hear what’s on their minds. With Live Reactions, you can gauge audience participation and interest levels. The Facebook Live Map allows users to look at a map of 60 countries and find a Go Live broadcast – this global reach can definitely increase a company’s lead generation efforts.
Other Facebook Go Live features include the ability to invite and notify people of a Go Live broadcast, post it to your wall so others who missed the live show can view it, and use creative tools like filters to customize the appearance of your broadcast. After the video is finished you can edit the content for play on your wall, as well.
Also great for live shows, sports commentaries, conferences, and other events, Facebook Go Live allows broadcasts up to 90 minutes long. To review the effect and reach of your broadcast, your Page Insights tab provides analytics and set of metrics allowing you to see how your Go Live event was received. This can help companies better adjust broadcast content, target audiences, and gain viewership.
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The ability of a business to connect instantly to an established group can significantly increase organic engagements with prospects and customers. This new marketing channel opens up horizons not yet known to companies across the globe. And, as an organic engagement generator, small businesses now have the chance to play in the big leagues without breaking the bank.
With a myriad of applications for business use, Facebook Go Live opens up more doors for marketing teams and small business owners allowing for a greater reach without the logistics of traditional, paid marketing channels. With the ability to connect instantly, the many features, to include Live Map and analytics, you can stream live and then post to your wall in perpetuity.
For family and friends that can’t be physically at your event, Go Live can be the next best thing.
Full feature Go Live on your desktop is also mobile with android and iOS apps available for smart phones and tablets around the globe. With the potential to corner the market on live video broadcast apps and programs, Facebook Go Live may become the new standard for the way businesses interact with the public.