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content marketer creating content

Top Content Types for Lead Gen, Thought Leadership, Brand Awareness

Top Content Types for Lead Gen, Thought Leadership, Brand Awareness

Alyssa Patzius, VP of Sales • Intero Digital • May 30, 2024

content marketer creating content

In the world of marketing, content is not just king; it’s the ace, the jack, and the wildcard. But let’s get one thing straight: Not all content is created equal. To truly rule the game, you need to know when to play the right card. Whether you’re aiming for lead generation through content marketing, carving out your space with thought leadership content, or lighting up the digital sky with content marketing to increase brand awareness, your strategy needs to be spot-on. The secret? It’s all about choosing the right type of content for each specific play, with an eye on SEO content strategy. So grab your notepad, marketers, because we’re about to lay down the rules of the game.

Before we dive into the specifics of lead generation, thought leadership, and content strategy for SEO, let’s understand why these matter. In a digital world overflowing with information, your content needs to do more than show up; it needs to stand out. It’s like being at a bustling party — you don’t just need to be heard; you need to be listened to. This means that picking the right content for your marketing goals is crucial. It’s not about throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks; it’s about precision, about crafting content that not only reaches your audience, but also resonates with them.

Now, let’s break down each goal and explore the content types that will make your brand not just a participant, but a contender in the marketing arena.

1. Lead Generation: Hook, Line, and Sinker

  • Blog posts: Think of blog posts as your lead generation through content marketing workhorses. They’re versatile, they’re SEO content strategy-friendly, and they can be tailored to address specific pain points or interests of your target audience. Plus, they’re perfect for embedding calls to action and guiding readers down the sales funnel.
  • Case studies: These are your proof in the pudding. Case studies are powerful because they show real-world examples of how your product or service solves problems. They’re not just stories; they’re evidence that what you offer works.
  • Whitepapers: The intellectuals of content types, whitepapers offer in-depth insights and solutions to complex problems. They are great for capturing the attention of decision makers who are looking for substantial, well-researched content.

2. Thought Leadership: Be the Brain Everyone Wants to Pick

  • Guest posts: Spread your wings and expertise beyond your own blog. Guest posting on reputable sites not only increases your reach, but also establishes your credibility in your industry. It’s like being invited to the cool kids’ table — it means you have something valuable to say.
  • Infographics: Some might say infographics are just pretty pictures. They’re wrong. A well-crafted infographic can simplify complex data, making it digestible and shareable. Infographics are the hook that can draw in even the most time-pressed readers.
  • Content strategy: This isn’t a content type per se, but think of your thought leadership content strategy as the map to your thought leadership treasure. A solid strategy ensures every piece of content, whether it’s a blog post, an infographic, or a guest post, is aligned with your goals and speaks with your unique voice.

3. Brand Awareness: Your Name in Lights

  • Public relations: It’s not just what you say; it’s where you say it. Leveraging PR can put your content in front of new audiences in a way that builds trust and recognition. It’s about being in the right place at the right time with the right message.
  • Social media management and collateral: Social media is the megaphone for your content strategy for brand awareness. Consistent, engaging content tailored to each platform can amplify your reach and solidify your brand identity. It’s where your brand gets to have a personality and interact with your audience in real time.
  • SEO: While SEO might seem like a behind-the-scenes player, it’s crucial for content strategy for brand awareness. It ensures your content gets found by the right people at the right time. Think of it as the digital signpost that guides people to your content.

Remember, the right content can make or break your strategy, so choose wisely and create content that aligns with your objectives. Now go out there and create content that not only speaks volumes, but also gets tangible results.

Are there gaps in your content strategy that are hindering your results?